Fàbrica de cartró Fábrica de cartón Shank board factory



PERE PONS S.A. has participated in the Lineapelle Fair held in Milan, Italy and has been supported by ICEX, as well as with the co-financing of European Funds ERDF, having contributed to their economic growth, the economic growth of this company, their region and of Spain as a whole.

European Regional Development Fund
One way to make Europe

Pere Pons, S.A. Manufacturer of Shankboard for footwear in Barcelona, has obtained the Authorized Exporter Certificate n. ES / 08/0597/15 granted by the Customs Department of the Tax Agency, thus fulfilling the requirement that the manufacture and the main raw materials of its product be or be manufactured within the Spanish state, giving as an example the main raw material for the manufacture of cardboard, Kraft Recycled paper purchased from a supplier in Paterna (Valencia), and thus the rest materials used for manufacturing.



Lineapelle Fair Spring Primavera 2015

PERE PONS, S.A. was at Lineapelle Fair Milano (Italy)

SATRA Bulletin.

SATRA magazine published a PERE PONS, S.A. reportage.

SATRA bulletin

Lineapelle fair Spring Primavera 2014
PERE PONS, S.A. was in the Lineapelle fair at Bologna (Italy)

Lineapelle fair Autumn 2013

PERE PONS, S.A. was in the Lineapelle fair at Bologna (Italy) the last 8th, 9th and 10th of October.

Lineapelle fair Spring 2013 at Bologna

Our sellers were in Lineapelle fair of Bologna where they showed our last innovations in Shankboard for footwear.

AYSAF fair of Istambul 2013

PERE PONS, S.A. was in AYSAF fair of Istambul by means of our distributor, PALAMUT. The fair was successful and we could see the last news.